The Jason Foundation

The Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI) is a national leader in youth suicide awareness and prevention programs targeted to address the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide.

Youth Suicide in Louisiana

In Louisiana:

  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death for middle and high school age youth (12 – 18).
  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death for college-age youth (18 – 22).

The Louisiana Youth Risk Behavioral Survey reported:

  • Almost 1 out of 6 young people seriously considered suicide in the past twelve months
  • Almost 1 out of 9 young people attempted suicide in the past twelve months

Our Partnership With The Jason Foundaiton

JFI is a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting “The Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational programs and resources for young people, educators, parents, and other community groups.  JFI, headquartered in Hendersonville, TN, was founded in 1997 after the tragic death of Jason Flatt, the 16-year-old son of Clark Flatt.

The Jason Foundation at Vermilion Behavioral Health Systems is the Affiliate Office in Lafayette, LA. The Affiliate Office serves as a hub where parents, teachers, guidance counselors, students, churches and other community organizations can obtain educational materials and learn about training programs available through JFI.  The Jason Foundation at Vermilion Behavioral Health Systems is the local resource for Jason Foundation materials and programs.  All programs, services, and materials are offered at no cost to participants with whom we contract.

For more information, please visit JFI’s website,